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Mental preparation

Préparation mentale Sophrologie

Just as physical preparation is about preparing physically, mental preparation is about developing and optimising mental capacity, usually for a specific event.

These abilities, or rather skills, are used every day, whether to manage stress, concentration, emotions, boost self-confidence…

The aim of mental preparation is to help people learn and master sophrology’s  tools such as mental imagery, relaxation and autosuggestion. These tools will enable them to optimise their mental and cognitive abilities to improve their well-being and enhance their day-to-day performance.

Sophrology will give you the tools you need.

this method can help you prepare before :

  • A sports competition
  • Professional interviews (job interviews, annual interviews, etc.)
  • Public speaking (speeches, presentations at seminars or board meetings, etc.).
  • School exams (brevet, bac, university diplomas, grandes écoles, etc.)
  • Entrance interviews for business schools, engineering schools, …
  • Driving licence exams
  • A stage performance (theatre, dance gala, singing on stage, etc.)
  • A medical examination or surgery
  • Childbirth, so that you can experience it in the best possible mental and emotional conditions